by Gary Hines | Feb 10, 2021 | Career Advice, General Career Industry, Projects, Uncategorized
Hello, I am using this month’s edition to offer you a free service. Is your career where it needs to be in these challenging times? Let’s talk about where your career is and where you would like it to be. I can help. Meanwhile, instead of a lot of noise...
by Gary Hines | Nov 14, 2020 | Strategy, Uncategorized
Welcome to the Fall 2020 edition of EVF. Post election day. I purposely waited until after 11/3/20 to write this as I thought there may be political news to report. Unfortunately, at this writing, there is still no winner in the presidential campaign. One thing that...
by Gary Hines | Oct 4, 2020 | Career Advice, Expert Advice, General Career Industry
How to Stay Relevant During COVID-19 I was asked recently to describe how to stay focused on a job search and keep relevant during this COVID-19 crisis. First, I think it is critical to keep moving and don’t become dormant in your career management. You should...
by Gary Hines | Oct 4, 2020 | Career Advice, Expert Advice, Strategy
September Guest Author- Dolph Goldenburg- Host of the Podcast- Successful Non-Profits. Dolph gives us a lesson on transitioning from the nonprofit sector to the for profit sector. If you’re currently unemployed or facing a layoff, I have a secret: the nonprofit sector...
by Gary Hines | Oct 4, 2020 | Career Advice, Expert Advice, Strategy
“Due to Covid-19, it’s possible that you’ve either been laid off, downsized, or your job is now in jeopardy. If so, maybe it’s time to think about franchising. Chances are you’ve heard quite a bit about franchising. But chances are also good...