A research and development project funded and managed by the Department of Defense’s (DOD) Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), Gary Hines discovered and implemented new outreach methods to students interested in Advanced Manufacturing Engineering and Technical careers.  The DOD’s civilian operations seeks to recruit its next generation of technical engineers focused on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) to better position the country’s war and peacetime defense. Much of the work focused on outreach to underserved communities; including women and minorities. 

For this contracted assignment, Gary planned events, such as a Girls in Engineering Summer Robotics camp with Philadelphia University and returning military information sessions. Other projects included open houses at Philadelphia-area high school and college campuses, tours of the DOD labs at the Philadelphia Navy Shipyard and speaking at events with teachers, guidance counselors, principals and superintendents. Hines also conducted roundtable discussions and program development for projects such as an online Navy Challenge that was developed with a local high school Information Technology department. He also managed a budget, coordinated scholarships and recruited military personnel to teach STEM courses at local Tech and Vocational high schools.

The program featured outreach to over 150 students, worked with 35 education and economic development institutes and engaged over 200 returning military veterans at job fairs and information sessions. (2009-2012)