April 2021 e-newsletter

Evaluating Customer Experience- Guest Article by Mohamed Latib, Ph.D- Customer Experience University- CXU

Experience: The dawn of a new reality.

The world we live in has been transformed in ways that we could not have imagined. It’s not only because of the obvious impact of the pandemic, but also because of the dramatic transformation in how our organizations are pressured to meet the new demands of the experience economy.

Price and product are no longer sufficient to achieve competitive advantages. All organizations today have to become obsessed about customers as well as employees. With the rapid advancement of smart phones and other technologies, instant connection to vast networks of friends, family and even strangers have democratized knowledge and information.

Customers demand instant responses, personalized engagement, superior products, exemplary service quality, transparency in communications and trust in the brand. Employees too have choices. They also demand that they be treated with respect, be offered opportunities for professional development, and meaning in their work. Read more

Much has been said and written about customer-centricity—particularly those internal behaviors that are required to generate the desired feelings in customers. Customer-centricity, though, actually begins with being human-centric and that is built upon empathy and compassion toward others. Without this basic fundamental view on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, customer-centric behaviors within our organizations, both public and private, will continue to struggle. As a result, CX tends to still struggle in many companies for this very reason. We go about our daily routines often not slowing down for a single minute to give some of this a second thought. Read more. **|IFNOHIVE_PAGE|*Read More *|END:I*IFNOT:ARCHIVE_PAGE|NOT:ARCHIVE_PAGE| Read More *

This idea is the very kernel and a most fundamental aspect of customer experience—the relationship between two individuals—how they act toward each other and treat one another. In the Bible of Self-Help Books, “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” by Dale Carnegie, the author spends at least two out of every three chapters discussing an aspect of empathy. Two out of every three. The rest he spends on communication tactics you can employ to make it easier for people to follow your advice.

But two out of three boils down to empathy: how to listen, how to consider someone else’s point of view, how to validate their point of view.

Consider, if you would, that this book was originally published in 1936, has sold over 15 million copies, and was in the top 20 of Time Magazine’s most influential books. If the majority of the content of this most fundamental work focuses on empathy, you can be sure this topic is extremely important.

Today, Empathy Is the Bottom Line for Customer Loyalty. In today’s business environment, basic empathy skills are even more important than they were in Mr. Carnegie’s heyday. Customers are placing increasing value on their experience, not the products or the price, but their experience with the company selling their products and services. This experience can be utterly destroyed when employees cannot empathize with their customers.

Buyers will pay more for a better customer experience, and when service employees display empathic behavior toward customers, they increase commitment, perceived quality of service and satisfaction.).

The bottom line then is why not prepare young people aspiring to be employed the basic skills that would support their early careers and give the tools to use throughout their life journeys.

How does Customer Experience help you as a job seeker or business professional? If you would like to have a conversation to talk about your career call me at 215-954-8309. For more information on CX University, visit: https://cxuniversity.com/